7th Organizing Conference of DPRK ISG


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[조선어] [English] [Русский] [中国语] [Deutsch]


Report on the results of the 7th Organizational Conference of the DPRK International Solidarity Group (DPRK ISG), which was held from August 13 to 31.

The participants of the organizational conference held ceremonial events on the occasion of the Liberation Day of Korea, Songun Day and the Day of the DPRK Foundation. Important issues related to the correct understanding of the role of our Solidarity Group, the awareness of the mistakes and shortcomings in the work of the Coordination Committee (Central Committee) and departments of the organization, as well as the definition of specific steps to strengthen positions in the conditions of the information war were also discussed.

The leader of our movement Comrade Alexander Mostov addressed the activists.

The following is the schedule of the August organizing conference, indicating the name of the executive committee, the country where the conference will take place, and the date of the meeting:

  • Day 1. Chinese Executive Committee (China — August 13)
  • Day 2. Russian Executive Committee (Russia — August 16)
  • Day 3. Tajik Executive Committee (Russia — August 18)
  • Day 4. Russian and North American Executive Committees (Russia — August 20)
  • Day 5. Belarusian Executive Committee (Belarus — August 24)
  • Day 6. European Executive Committee (Germany — August 25)
  • Day 7. Russian Executive Committee, Society for the Study of the Juche Idea in the Altai Republic (Russia, Altai Republic — August 28)
  • Day 8. Russian Executive Committee, Russian Society for Friendship and Cultural Cooperation with the DPRK (Russia — August 29)
  • Day 9. North American Executive Committee (USA — August 31)

Additionally elected members of the Coordination Committee: Luan Xinglong (Head of the Chinese Executive Committee), Li Jizheng (Adviser on Work in the PRC), Klim Belsky (Head of the Belarusian Executive Committee), Peter Gal (Head of the Hungarian Regional Committee), Sergei Baburin (Adviser on International Relations) and Christopher Helali (Head of the North American Executive Committee).

Additionally elected candidates for membership in the Coordination Committee: Pyotr Shishkov and Mekhti Logunov.

Due to inefficiency, the 4th Department was abolished, and powers were redistributed between the heads of the executive committees.

Taking into account the experience of primary cells in Russia, it was decided to focus work on opening friendship clubs with the DPRK in higher education institutions to expand work on promoting a correct understanding of the history of Korea and its modern politics. A final decision was also made to reorient foreign policy work toward left-patriotic and anti-globalist forces that support the DPRK, as opposed to abstract and ineffective reliance on the "broad left", which often has a counter-revolutionary and anti-republican position.


   [First Day]   


Online Meeting of Chinese Executive Committee Held

On August 13, the 7th Organizational Conference of the DPRK International Solidarity Group (DPRK ISG) opened in China, with the participation of all our regional organizations in China, Russia, North America, Belarus, Tajikistan and the European Union.

This meeting was timed to coincide with the 79th Anniversary of the Liberation of Korea (August 15, 1945).

Alexander Mostov, Chairman of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, declared the meeting of the first day open. All activists of the Chinese Executive Committee, headed by Comrade Luan Xinglong, took part in it.

During the meeting, representatives of the Chinese Executive Committee were elected to the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG. Comrade Luan Xinglong was re-appointed as the Head of the Executive Committee, and Comrade Li Jizheng was re-appointed as Adviser on work in the People's Republic of China.

The full text of Chairman Mostov's speech follows below.


Dear Members and Candidates for membership of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG! 

Dear Activists of the Chinese Executive Committee of our organization!



Our current 7th Organizational Conference, dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the liberation of Korea (August 15) and the 10th anniversary of the announcement of gratitude by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un (August 14), is taking place in an atmosphere of special upsurge and unprecedented progress in the work of our International Solidarity Group.

Such significant events for our movement as the presentation of the royal robe "Zarduzi" by Murodbek Yuldoshev to the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, the completion of the process of uniting the most effective solidarity organizations in Russia, the formation of the North American Executive Committee, the expansion of regional branches in China and the Russian Far East, as well as the successful release of the documentary film "Under the Shadow", exposing the anti-Republican and anti-communist propaganda of Vitaly Mansky, have recently taken place. It should be especially noted that thanks to the efforts of Comrade Viktor Petrov, Director of the 1st Department of People's Diplomacy, our organization has established stable contact with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PRC, thereby regulating the main issues of its activities on the territory of China and opening the way to fruitful cooperation.

All this would not have been possible without activists devoted to our common cause, aware of their international and, in particular, patriotic duty. After all, we work, first of all, for the benefit of our own countries and in the name of the liberation of all peoples oppressed by the US imperialists!



All the successes of our organization were achieved under the harsh conditions of the most severe information blockade and incomparable pressure. However, we, having united even more, as a partisan detachment of the era of information warfare, were able to build a self-sufficient flexible system of executive committees, effectively operating depending on specific conditions.

I am deeply convinced that in the current conditions, when the confrontation with the coalition forces of world imperialism is entering a hot phase, our activists in Ukraine and other countries occupied by US imperialists should study more deeply the experience of the struggle of the commander Kim Il Sung, who managed to achieve national independence in the whirlwind of the century.

The Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung, wishing to liberate his homeland from the oppression of Japanese militarists at any cost, joined the Communist Party of China and called upon his comrades to join the Chinese Communist Party after the Comintern's decision to dissolve the Communist Party of Korea and wage armed struggle on its side. In doing so, he managed not only to realize his leadership potential and revive the Korean partisan movement, but also to strengthen the bonds of Korean-Chinese friendship.

Here is just one episode of his revolutionary struggle, described by Comrade Konstantin Asmolov, Director of the 2nd Scientific Department:

"As a result of the Japanese counterattack, the partisans were surrounded, but Kim Il Sung managed to break through the enemy encirclement and save the famous partisan commander Shi Zhongheng. Since the autumn of 1931, the Japanese began to create their own organization called Minsendan, which played the role of a "fifth column" in the ranks of the Chinese communists. Although his actions were more noise than good, pro-Japanese slogans and the activities of spies and provocateurs managed to undermine trust in ethnic Koreans. As a result, a purge began within the Chinese Communist Party and Kim Il Sung found himself under suspicion. Upon learning of this, Commander Shi Zhongheng, whom Kim Il Sung had saved from death during the Japanese encirclement, publicly declared, "Such an outstanding personality cannot be a Japanese dog," and that if Kim Il Sung was convicted, Shi Zhongheng and his entire army would leave the Communist Party."

It is important to emphasize that the person who revived our movement in 1993 was Rear Admiral Vladimir Tolstikov, who personally participated in the liberation of Korea.

He spoke about his combat experience as follows:

"When military actions against Japan began, we were dropped into Korea, into the Japanese rear, on torpedo boats. We captured ports and held out until the main forces of our army arrived. The first we took was the port of Yujin, or Yuki, in the very north of the Korean Peninsula. On August 8, Molotov announced to the Japanese ambassador that the USSR had entered the war, and on the 10th or 11th we were already landing on torpedo boats. We flew into Yujin, jumped ashore, and the Japanese were no longer there. They were evacuating on an armored train, shooting at any Koreans they saw along the way. So along the track we found many dead and wounded. We provided assistance to those who still needed it. We also took Najin without a fight. And when we started to leave, we almost died - we ran into an American mine. Our allies had recently dropped sea mines from the air on all Korean ports - each with a ton of TNT, for large ships. We passed it at high speed, it exploded behind us, but a wave covered us. Three people were washed away from our boat, and we never found them. I injured my leg. And my friend Vitya Karpov was sitting next to me and holding a submachine gun in front of him, and 41 bullets hit him in the chest. Everything went off safety and started shooting! Somehow we reached Vladivostok.

The last operation was in Wonsan on August 19 or 20. This was after the Emperor of Japan announced his capitulation on August 15. We entered the bay - a narrow neck, Japanese cannons on the rocks on both sides. But we had orders not to provoke the Japanese. We landed without hindrance."

And after the liberation of Korea, when the young DPRK was attacked by the United States and the puppet "Republic of Korea", the noble internationalist spirit of the communists of China and Russia was fully revealed: the Chinese People's Volunteers, whose descendants are also in our organization, bravely fought on the side of the Korean People's Army, and Soviet pilots, some of whom were even among the founders of our movement, ensured dominance in the skies.

I sincerely believe that the sacred duty of our organization is to perpetuate the memory of the revolutionary predecessors and internationalist soldiers. And I instruct the activists of the Russian and Chinese Executive Committees to prepare materials for publications about our great ancestors by the end of this year.



During this organizational conference, we are celebrating another important date: the 10th anniversary of the announcement of gratitude from the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.

On August 14, Juche 113 (2024), it will be the 10th anniversary of the announcement of gratitude from the respected comrade Kim Jong Un to the leading workers of our organization.

On August 13, Juche 103 (2014), the delegation of the DPRK Solidarity Group headed by Vitaly Lebedev met with the Vice Chairman of the Korean-Russian Friendship Society and through him presented a gift to the respected Supreme Leader Comrade  Kim Jong Un. The gift is a gilded machine gun on which Comrade Lebedev personally depicted the path of the warriors of the Songun era.

In addition, the Chairman drew special attention to the fact that the banner had the inscription "Deeply Respected Marshal", which emphasizes the sincere respect for their leader. The DPRK representatives noted that they highly valued this gift as well as the rest of the activities of our organization.

On the same day, the Deputy Chairman of the Korean-Russian Friendship Society ceremoniously awarded the delegates of the Group with badges depicting the Great Leaders Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il. The activists of our organization wear them with pride, because such badges are a symbol of loyalty to the line of the Workers' Party of Korea.

But the intensity of importance did not decrease. On the morning of August 14, Juche 103 (2014), that is, the next day, our activists were informed that the Chairman wanted to see them in his office and that he had something valuable and important for the Group. What was it? It was a message from the Supreme Leader of the DPRK to our Group.

Comrade Kim Jong Un thanked the DPRK Solidarity Group and noted that our organization had already done a lot for the Korean people.

As the Chairman of the DPRK ISG, I swear in my heart to keep the trust of beloved Marshal Kim Jong Un and continue to lead our organization along the proven path of development. I call on all our activists to remember August 14 as an important date for our movement and to continue to organize commemorative events on this day.



Unfortunately, we have to admit that during the past period, in addition to successes, deviations in the work of the organization's departments were also identified.

In particular:

— The 2nd Scientific Department made an extremely significant contribution to the formation of a progressive student community of friends of Korea in Russia, but even a coordination chat has not yet been created that would allow scientific activists to act within a single, well-coordinated team. It is important to resolve this issue during August before September 1.

— Within the 3rd Information Department, coordination of forces for the release of content in different languages ​​has not yet been established. In order to prevent a repeat of such a mistake, the Information Bureau of our organization will simultaneously send the text of important news to the executive committees.

— Unfortunately, the 4th Security Department has not yet begun comprehensive constructive work due to the inability of the director of the department to fulfill his official duties.

< . . . >

In addition, during the analysis of the situation, it was revealed that security issues are more effectively resolved depending on the conditions of a particular country, rather than centralizing all issues in the hands of one single director.

Based on the above, I am completely disbanding the 4th Department and transferring issues related to ensuring the security of activists to the heads of the executive committees.


Dear fellow activists of the Chinese Executive Committee,

Our organization is now facing unprecedented opportunities in history. I sincerely thank each of you for your trust and support, and I promise to fully meet your expectations!

Please focus your work on the following areas.

1. According to my direct instructions, the third information department will regularly produce films and videos exposing anti-Korean, anti-Chinese, and anti-communist propaganda. For example, the documentary film “Under the Shadow” has collected more than 70,000 views, despite the fact that it is currently only available in closed access.

After the film is released, it must be translated into Chinese and distributed on social networks. In the future, by assisting Director Stanislav Vasiliev as experts, we will be able to increase the recognition of our executive committee and attract new members with exceptionally high-quality content that can compete with the world's leading TV channels.

2. We have made significant progress in developing relations with the Chinese Foreign Ministry over the past few months, but we still have a long way to go. < . . . >

3. It is important to focus on exploring business prospects. < . . . >

I take this opportunity to express my full support for Comrade Luan Xinglong's efforts to establish regional representative offices in China. I am confident that through joint efforts, we will achieve even greater progress and success, and the name of our organization will go down in history!


Long live the great President Xi Jinping!

Long live the great President Kim Jong Un!

Long live the great cause of international solidarity!


   [Second Day]   


Events to Mark Korea's Liberation Day Held in Russia

Senior officials of the DPRK International Solidarity Group attended a reception on Aug. 16 on the occasion of the 79th anniversary of Korea's liberation.

Present there on invitation were Alexandr Fomin, Vice-Minister of Defense of Russia, and personages of the government, political parties, organizations and institutions, including the Federation Council of Russia, the Foreign Ministry, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Interior and the Party for Peace and Unity.

From our organization, Alexander Mostov (Chairman of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG), Margarita Kuryleva (Executive Secretary of the Russian Society of Friendship and Cultural Cooperation with the DPRK) and Pyotr Shishkov (Member of the Board of the Russian Society of Friendship and Cultural Cooperation with the DPRK) were invited.

Comrade Mostov familiarized himself with the state of affairs of the Russian organization on the spot and discussed with the board members a number of issues related to the opening of a primary cell in the Far Eastern Federal District of Russia. He also proposed nominating Petr Shishkov as a candidate for membership in the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG.

On the same day, as part of the 7th Organizational Conference, a joint meeting of the "That Same Marx" circle of the St. Petersburg city branch of the Lenin Komsomol and the DPRK International Solidarity Group was held in person and in absentia. The event was timed to coincide with the 79th anniversary of the liberation of Korea.

Gleb Targonsky, Activist of the 2nd Scientific Department of the DPRK ISG and Co-Founder of the "Revolutionary Initiative" Channel, spoke about the history of the liberation of Korea, emphasizing the role of Korean communists in the anti-Japanese resistance.

Then Nikita Dobrov, Secretary of the City Committee of the Komsomol and the Regional Secretary of the Russian Executive Committee of the DPRK ISG in the Northwestern Federal District of Russia, spoke about the realities of today's Korea and the role of youth in the life of the DPRK based on his personal experience of participating in a recent delegation of youth organizations.


   [Third Day]   


Tajik Executive Committee Conducts Active Work

On August 18, Murodbek Yuldoshev, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth Union of the Republic of Tajikistan and Ideological Leader of the Tajik Executive Committee of the DPRK ISG, met with Alexander Mostov, Chairman of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, and Christopher Helali, International Secretary of the American Communist Party and Head of the North American Executive Committee of the DPRK ISG.

Murodbek Safarbekovich told Comrade Mostov in detail about the state of affairs of the Tajik Solidarity Group with the DPRK and congratulated the participants of the meeting on the 79th anniversary of the liberation of Korea.

Then he informed the audience about the latest events in the life of the Komsomol of Tajikistan. In particular, on August 15, a meeting was held in Dushanbe with the respected Gulahmadzoda Zulfikor Akhmad, Chairman of the Committee on Youth and Sports under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, during which issues of cooperation between the Komsomol and the Committee on Youth and Sports, as well as joint projects aimed at supporting and developing youth in the country were discussed. Particular attention was paid to preparations for the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Komsomol organization, which will take place next year.

Having familiarized himself with the results, comrade Mostov expressed sincere admiration for the activities of Murodbek Safarbekovich at the highest post of the Komsomol of Tajikistan and the Tajik Group of Solidarity with the DPRK, and expressed firm confidence that the Coordination Committee of our organization, having such activists devoted to the common cause, will certainly achieve even more significant victories.

Comrade Yuldoshev expressed gratitude to the head of our organization for the warm words and made a number of specific working proposals that should have a positive impact on strengthening relations between the DPRK ISG and the Komsomol of Tajikistan, including the signing of the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation in the near future.


   [Four Day]   


Russia and America Solidarity Organizations Celebrate Korea Liberation Day Together

On August 20, a joint meeting of Russian and American organizations was held in the Marble Hall of the Soviet Peace Foundation on the occasion of the Liberation Day of Korea. During the meeting, the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between the DPRK International Solidarity Group (DPRK ISG) and the American Communist Party (ACP) was signed.

The leader of our movement Comrade Alexander Mostov, Chairman of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, personally participated in the event.

The meeting was attended by comrades Viktor Petrov (Deputy Chairman of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, Director of the 1st Department of People's Diplomacy, Chairman of the Board of the Russian Society for Friendship and Cultural Cooperation with the DPRK as part of our organization), Christopher Helali (International Secretary of the ACP and Head of the North American Executive Committee of the DPRK ISG), Anna Zorich (Head of the Primary Cell of the DPRK ISG at the University of World Civilizations), Ivan Kozlov (International Secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the LKSM), representative of the "JoJack" Movement and others.

Comrade Alexander Mostov, gave a speech in which he outlined the course of our organization on demarginalization and development of the international solidarity movement - an important goal for which the North American Executive Committee was created. He expressed admiration for the thirst for justice of our activists in the United States and Canada, who are waging a struggle in the very heart of US imperialism, and emphasized that they are an example for all activists of our organization.

He said that we all work, first of all, for the good of our own countries and for the liberation of all peoples oppressed by the US imperialists: all the successes of our organization were achieved in the harsh conditions of the most severe information blockade and incomparable pressure. According to him, our activists, having united even more around the Central Committee of the organization, as if it were a partisan detachment in the era of information warfare, were able to build a self-sufficient flexible system of executive committees, effectively operating depending on specific conditions.

Comrade Mostov expressed his deep conviction that in the current circumstances, when the confrontation with the coalition forces of world imperialism is entering a hot phase, our activists in Ukraine and other countries occupied by US imperialists should study more deeply the experience of the struggle of Commander Kim Il Sung, who managed to achieve national independence in the whirlwind of the century.

The head of our organization said that the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung, wishing to liberate his homeland from the oppression of Japanese militarists at any cost, joined the Communist Party of China and called upon his comrades to join the Chinese Communist Party after the Comintern's decision to dissolve the Communist Party of Korea and wage armed struggle on its side. In this way, he managed not only to realize his leadership potential and revive the Korean partisan movement, but also to strengthen the bonds of Korean-Chinese friendship.

Then he emphasized that the person who revived our movement in 1993 was Rear Admiral Vladimir Tolstikov, who personally participated in the liberation of Korea, and also noted that now in our organization there are also descendants of the Chinese People's Volunteers who bravely fought on the side of the Korean People's Army.

The leader of our organization concluded that the sacred duty of our organization is to perpetuate the memory of revolutionary predecessors and internationalist soldiers, and instructed the executive committees to organize the corresponding work.

Comrade Christopher Helali delivered the report.

The head of the North American Executive Committee of the DPRK ISG expressed gratitude to Chairman Mostov and Comrade Petrov for organizing this event in the Marble Hall of the Soviet Peace Foundation, which has historically hosted the most outstanding internationalists.

In his report, he emphasized that all progressive peoples of the world highly respect President Kim Il Sung as an outstanding patriot who liberated Korea with his own efforts and built a powerful socialist state on his native land, which is a beacon of hope.

He said:

It is a great honor for me to attend this meeting on behalf of the American Communist Party in honor of the 79th anniversary of the liberation of Korea to sign a historic treaty of friendship and cooperation between our organizations in order to continue to jointly advance the correct understanding of the DPRK.

And of course, we, American communists, recognize the progressive role of not only the DPRK, but also the Russian Federation, China, Belarus, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, Syria and many other countries in the world that are fighting against the imperialists of the United States, NATO and the European Union. So the treaty we will sign today is really important to us.

We hope that our cooperation will help build a very powerful movement against imperialism on a global scale.

On behalf of the Coordination Committee DPRK ISG, various gifts were handed over to the North American Executive Committee of our organization, including extremely rare works by the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung and the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un. By order of Chairman Mostov, the remaining numerous gifts will be sent directly to the United States.

The Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between the DPRK ISG and the ACP was signed.

The full text of the treaty follows:


Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation
Between DPRK ISG and American Communist Party


August 27, Juche 113 (2024)


The DPRK International Solidarity Group (DPRK ISG) and the American Communist Party, acting in accordance with the imperatives of the times,
hereby undertake:

  1. To promote mutual cooperation between the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG and the Executive Committee of the American Communist Party in good faith.
  2. To wage a joint fight against anti-communist propaganda and all kinds of disinformation about the DPRK.
  3. To support mutual initiatives aimed at supporting the Korean people in the fight against imperialism and globalism, as well as other destructive geopolitical phenomena.
  4. To inform each other about the holding of actions, events, and other activities of mutual interest.
  5. Jointly prevent the dissemination of false information about the activities of DPRK ISG and the American Communist Party.


Chairman of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK International Solidarity Group

Alexander Mostov


International Secretary of the American Communist Party

Christopher Helali


Then a discussion took place. Comrades Christopher Helali, Victor Petrov and Anna Zorich exchanged their work experience, planning further constructive cooperation.

The participants of the meeting took a photo for memory.


   [Five Day]   


Online Meeting on the Occasion of Songun Day in the Republic of Belarus

On August 24, 2024, on the eve of Songun Day, members of the Solidarity Group with the DPRK (Republic of Belarus) held a meeting dedicated to this significant date for all the people of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. This meeting was held within the framework of the 7th Organizational Conference of the DPRK ISG.

Klim Belsky, Head of the Executive Committee of the DPRK ISG, led the meeting.

The respected Chairman Alexander Mostov personally took part in the event. Activists of the Group also took part in it, including Comrades Dmitry Matveyev (2nd deputy), Filipp Kolosov (2nd secretary for ideology).

The meeting was opened by Comrade Klim Belsky. In his speech, he gave a brief historical background of the event, as well as its significance for the DPRK and the Korean People's Army, as well as for the entire labor and communist movement throughout the world.

The Songun revolutionary cause began with the inspection of the 105th Guards Seoul Tank Division named after Ryu Kyong Su of the KPA (August 25, 1960). At that time, it was called the 105th Mechanized Division of the KPA. Under the wise leadership of Comrade Kim Il Sung, this division, surrounded by his deep care, was created along with the birth of regular revolutionary armed forces.

Comrade Belsky also noted that the great ideas of Songun teach us one valuable truth: sovereignty and dignity, prosperity and development of countries and nations are in direct proportion to the power of arms, military might. The power of arms is equivalent to the sovereignty of the country, the dignity of the people, and the prosperity of the nation. Powerful armed forces guarantee the growth of state power, the external authority of the country, and the bright future of the nation.

In conclusion of his speech, he added that the Songun ideas guide the development of the era and brightly illuminate the modern world, the future of mankind. They stimulate the anti-imperialist, independent cause of mankind in the 21st century, and provide a scientifically grounded explanation of the path of countries and nations to prosperity and development.

Then the floor was taken by Philip Kolosov, Second Secretary for Ideology. In his speech, he said that the roots of the Songun policy grow out of the position of the Juche idea on strengthening the forces of the revolutionary masses as the subject of the revolution, and the Juche idea also places the ideological nature of man in the revolutionary transformation of society at the center of attention. The Songun policy traces its origins to the far-reaching plan of Kim Il Sung's father, Kim Hyong Jik. Symbolically expressed in the two pistols he bequeathed to his son. Kim Hyong Jik's idea was that only a revolution with organized military force could win.

He also emphasized that the main purpose of using weapons according to Songun ideas is to repel the imperialists.

At the same time, Songun ideas oppose the strategy of peaceful coexistence of capitalism and socialism in relation to imperialist countries; only one approach is possible using guns!

In the process of developing leftist political thought in general, the role of the working class as the advanced class was discovered, but in our time such a view would be too superficial and for Comrade Kim Il Sung it became obvious that there was an urgent need to create a new theory about the vanguard of the revolution. The mission of the revolutionary armed forces is not only the armed defense of the revolution.

Comrade Kim Jong Il, developing the ideas of Comrade Kim Il Sung, noted that it is the revolutionary army that can become the only advanced and educational force that can carry out the work of transforming the entire society on the model of the working class, thereby bringing closer the creation of a classless communist society. The People's Armed Forces must be understood as the vanguard of defense of socialist construction, but not as a separate class.

At the conclusion of the meeting dedicated to Songun Day Comrade Alexander Mostov read his report.


   [Six Day]   


Report on the 6th Meeting during the 7th Organizational Conference of the DPRK ISG

The European Executive Committee of the International Solidarity Group with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK ISG) recently held the 6th meeting, in the context of the 7th Organizational Conference. Activists from various regions participated, highlighting the growing support and commitment within the organization.

Key speeches were delivered by Comrade Alexander Mostov, Chairman of the DPRK ISG, and Johannes Wittmund, Head of the European Executive Committee. Their addresses emphasized the importance of unity and focused action in supporting the DPRK amid international challenges.

A significant development at the meeting was the proposal by Johannes Wittmund to appoint Peter Gal from the Hungarian Executive Committee as a new member of the Coordination Committee. This suggestion, aimed at fostering broader collaboration, was met with approval from those in attendance. Peter Gal’s involvement is expected to strengthen the organization’s coordination efforts and enhance its effectiveness.

During the meeting, Johannes Wittmund also shared a report about recent communications with the DPRK Embassy in Berlin, that he visited the day before. He provided updates on the embassy’s feedback regarding the group’s activities and discussed guidelines for future cooperation. This exchange underscores the value of ongoing dialogue and alignment between the DPRK ISG and the DPRK's official representatives, reinforcing the group's commitment to working closely with the embassy.

The meeting was marked by active participation and constructive discussions, reflecting the deep commitment of members to the goals of the DPRK ISG.


   [Seventh Day]   


Russian Activist Awarded

On August 28, Alexander Mostov (Chairman of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG) and Darya Kadkina (Member of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, Chairman of the Society for the Study of the Juche Idea in the Altai Republic) held a working meeting. A number of important issues on the agenda of the 7th Organizational Conference were discussed.

The head of the Altai organization put forward a proposal to present a badge with the image of the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung and the Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong Il to Nikolai Antonov (call sign Pastor), Head of the Military Training Center "Heavenly Warrior", in connection with his special merits in the fight against the common enemy. A positive decision was made on the issue, and the ceremony of presenting the badge was held on the same day.

Below is the full text of the letter of thanks from the International Solidarity Group with the DPRK.

The respected Comrade Antonov!


In recognition of your merits, on behalf of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK International Solidarity Group (DPRK ISG) and the Altai Society for the Study of the Juche Idea within our organization, we present you with a badge depicting the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung and the Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong Il.

The presentation of the badge depicting the great leaders of the Korean people is a reflection of high trust. In today's situation, when the Korean and Russian peoples are standing side by side against a common enemy in the same trench, we see the key to final victory in strengthening the traditional Russian-Korean friendship, passed down from generation to generation.

We wish you success in the struggle!


Chairman of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG

Alexander Mostov


Member of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG

Chairman of the Society for the Study of the Juche Idea in the Altai Republic

Daria Kadkina


   [Eight Day]   


Birthday of the Elder of Our Organization

On August 29, the Marble Hall of the Soviet Peace Foundation hosted a celebration of the birthday of the respected Comrade Viktor Petrov, Deputy Chairman of the Coordination Committee and Director of the 1st Department of People's Diplomacy of the DPRK ISG, Chairman of the Russian Society for Friendship and Cultural Cooperation with the DPRK, and Full Cavalier of the Korean Order of Friendship.

The celebration was attended by members of the board of the Russian organization, including Comrades Sergei Baburin, Pyotr Shishkov, and Margarita Kurylyova.

A congratulatory telegram from An Yuejun, Chinese People's Association for Peace and Disarmament, was read.

Alexander Mostov, Chairman of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, made a speech and raised a toast to the health of the elder of our organization with more than 57 years of service.

Then he addressed the audience with a call to unite in connection with the unfriendly actions against the allies of our organization:

Despite the victories of the last year, I am forced to state that dark clouds are gathering again over our Russian Executive Committee.

Hostile forces are making hypocritical attempts to appropriate the building of the Soviet Peace Fund, where the headquarters of the Russian Society for Friendship and Cultural Cooperation with the DPRK is located. As of today, they have already begun a campaign against us in the media — this is a serious threat that we cannot ignore.

The leader of our organization highlighted the specific measures of assistance that we can implement in the current situation, and then held talks with the chairman of the board of the Soviet Peace Fund.

A decision was made on the spot to early nominate Sergei Nikolaevich Baburin for the post of member of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG. The development of the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between the organizations has begun.


   [Nine Day]   


Meeting of North American Executive Committee on Occasion of DPRK Foundation Day

The North American Executive Committee of the DPRK International Solidarity Group held its first ever meeting on Saturday August 31st in Chicago, IL, United States. During the meeting, Comrade Christopher Helali, Head of the North American Executive Committee, extended warmest greetings to the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un and the people of the DPRK. 

During the meeting, the North American Executive Committee of the DPRK ISG was nominated and elected. The North American Executive Committee consists of comrades Christopher Helali, Eddie Smith, Donald Courter, John Jackman, Haz Al-Din, and Kyle Pettis. 

A small conference was held on the topic of socialism in the world today where comrades Christopher Helali and Donald Courter spoke about the successes of the DPRK and its heroic socialist achievements over its history. Comrade Donald Courter spoke of his recent time in the DPRK accompanying President Putin’s delegation to the DPRK where the DPRK and Russian Federation signed their Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. 

The meeting ended with the announcement that Comrade Christopher Helali had been appointed by the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG as the permanent representative in North America for a one-year term.

Category: Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG | Views: 116 | Added by: redstartvkp | Tags: DPRK ISG
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