Armenian Group of Solidarity with the DPRK Established

   Yerevan, December 29 (DPRK ISG Information Bureau - RSTV)   


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The sixth day of the 8th Organizational Conference of the DPRK ISG has passed. On December 22, the Komsomol of Armenia held an important meeting, at which an appeal to the leadership of the International Solidarity Group was adopted.

The full text of the appeal follows.

“To: Comrade Alexander Mostov, Leader of the DPRK ISG; members of the Coordination Сommittee of the DPRK ISG; participants of the 8th Organizational Conference of the DPRK ISG.

The respected Сomrade Mostov! Dear participants of the 8th organizational conference! We, the Komsomol of Armenia, consider it our duty to honor the principles of international proletarian solidarity for the sake of the righteous struggle for the liberation of the working class from the vicious exploitation of international capital and the forces of world imperialism.

Therefore, we express our admiration for the steadfastness of the strongest “bastion of resistance” to the forces of exploitation, and wish to express our full international solidarity to it.

In this regard, we call on you to approve the decision of the 3rd annual meeting of the Komsomol of Armenia to create the Armenian Group of Solidarity with the DPRK and form an Armenian Executive Committee.

We also wish you new successes in promoting and propagating the ideas of solidarity in the global class struggle for the liberation of the working class.


David Hovsepyan

Hrach Drampyan

Karen Shakhnikyan"

The Coordination Сommittee of the DPRK ISG, taking into account the good will of the Komsomol members of Armenia, decided to include the Armenian Group of Solidarity with the DPRK in the organization.

Thus, by the decision of the 8th Organizational Conference, a temporary Armenian Executive Committee was created: in the near future, it will complete the formation of its internal structure and nominate its representatives to the Coordination Сommittee of the DPRK ISG, becoming a permanent representative of our organization in the Republic of Amrenia.

Comrade Karen Shakhnikyan was appointed head of the temporary executive committee.


Category: Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG | Views: 1138 | Added by: redstartvkp
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