Assessing Rumors about the Tactics and Morale of Korean Soldiers in Ukraine

   January 15 (DPRK ISG Information Bureau - RSTV)   


[English] [Русский] [中国语]


Since the world media are actively spreading rumors about the tactics of the DPRK armed forces in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, we are publishing a commentary by Comrade Vladimir Khrustalev (2nd Military Expert of the Scientific Department of the DPRK ISG).

The full text of the commentary follows below.

I have studied the materials of official Ukrainian and pro-Ukrainian propaganda. This system of theses looks very strange.

They say that the readiness of Korean soldiers to carry out any orders, almost always choosing death over surrender is like “madness”, “totalitarian zombification”, etc.

Strange. In specialized literature (including English-language literature), this is usually called differently: high moral and volitional qualities of personnel, “high morality”, well-organized work on the education and indoctrination of personnel, etc.

By the way, Ukrainian and pro-Ukrainian propaganda about the topic of "DPRK military in the Kursk region" is just some kind of wild advertising of the Korean People's Army.

What is really going on there and who is there in reality is a separate issue. But let's look at the figures that are openly declared by official sources in the media and what follows from them.

Kyiv and Seoul declare 3 prisoners, 300 dead, 2,700 wounded (including minors) on the Korean side for the entire time. In general, such nice round numbers look suspicious... Moreover: according to their data, 1 prisoner per 100 dead and 900 wounded. I emphasize that this is according to the statistics they published.

And all three declared prisoners are wounded. And one of the three, according to their own statements, died from his wounds.

Well, it turns out that Kyiv and Seoul officially (!) claim that in order for a DPRK military man to be captured, about 1,000 (!) of his colleagues must be incapacitated during combat. And only then will someone out of the 900 wounded possibly be captured. And in such a state that he may even die.

The mortality rate from wounds among those declared captured, according to Kyiv and Seoul, is about 33%.

Oh yeah. Of the allegedly wounded prisoners, 50%, even in captivity and even on enemy camera, allegedly want to go home to the DPRK.

It turns out that according to Kiev and Seoul propaganda, the KPA has downright brilliant stamina, endurance, loyalty, stability, etc.

Sorry, but so far this all looks like a cool advertisement for the effectiveness of the KPA Political Directorate, and not accusatory propaganda...

Category: Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG | Views: 91 | Added by: redstartvkp
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