19:41 Comrade KIM JONG IL's Memory Honored in China |
Beijing, December 20 (DPRK ISG Information Bureau - RSTV)
— International Solidarity Activists Awarded Badges with Images of Great Leaders — The second day of the 8th Organizational Conference of the DPRK ISG has passed. On 17 December 2024, members of the Chinese Executive Committee of the DPRK ISG went to the Embassy of the DPRK in China to commemorate the thirteenth anniversary of the death of the Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong Il. The commemoration took place in a solemn atmosphere. The members of the Chinese Executive Committee stepped into the hall of the DPRK Embassy, laid a flower basket and bowed to the portrait of the Great Leader. The members of the Chinese Executive Committee communicated with the officials of the DPRK Embassy on the effectiveness of their recent work and discussed and negotiated with them on matters related to the recent visit of experts on Korean issues from the headquarters to the DPRK Embassy. The DPRK Embassy officials praised the recent contribution of the Chinese Executive Committee members in promoting the friendly exchanges between the two countries and awarded each member of the Chinese Executive Committee with a precious Kim Il Sung - Kim Jong Il lapel badge. Finally, a group photo was taken of all participants.
Category: Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG | Views: 57 | |
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