Declaration on the Establishment of the Korean National Solidarity Committee (KNSC)

   Moscow, December 29 (DPRK ISG Information Bureau - RSTV)   


On December 28, Comrade Shin Pyong Mo (Shin Andrei) signed the "Declaration on the Establishment of the Korean National Solidarity Committee" (KNSC) with Comrade Alexander Mostov. The American Communist Party (ACP) and the International Association of Peace Foundations (IAPF) acted as the Committee's international guarantors.

The full text of the declaration follows below.

We, the authorized representatives of the DPRK International Solidarity Group (DPRK ISG), have adopted the following decision on the establishment of the Korean National Solidarity Committee (KNSC) at the 8th Organizational Conference of the DPRK ISG.

①    This Committee, established in connection with the threat of the outbreak of a third world war due to the actions of the US imperialists and their satellites, is called upon to unite all progressive representatives of the Korean nation from all countries of the world advocating for national independence, in support of the peaceful development of the Korean Peninsula without the interference of external forces.

②    The KNSC is being created within the structure of the DPRK ISG. Comrade Shin Andrey is appointed by the Head of the KNSC and nominated as its representative to the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG.

③    The activists of the KNSC in the territory of the 《Republic of Korea》 and other anti-communist countries are carried out on a strictly anonymous basis, due to the threat to their security.

④     The registration of activists of the KNSC in the territory of friendly and neutral countries is carried out on an open basis, according to their decision by the head of the KNSC depending on the specific country.

⑤    The American Communist Party (ACP) and the International Association of Peace Foundations (Международная ассоциация фондов мира) act as guarantors of international support for the KNSC in order to contribute to the establishment of a lasting peaceful environment on the territory of the Korean Peninsula and in the Asia-Pacific region. Other political parties and public organizations have the right to join this Declaration after its signing.


Category: Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG | Views: 1750 | Added by: redstartvkp
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