Model Primary Cell Held New Year's Event

   Sergiev Posad, December 24 (DPRK ISG Information Bureau - RSTV)   


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The fifth day of the 8th Organizing Conference of the DPRK ISG has passed. With the participation of the respected Сomrade Alexander Mostov the exemplary Russian-Korean Friendship Club at the Sergiev Posad Socio-Economic College held a significant event dedicated to the Constitution Day of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the approaching New Year.

As part of the event, the Club activists summed up their activities for the first half of the new academic year and presented holiday posters.

The meeting was opened by Georgy Dmitriev, Deputy Director of the Sergiev Posad Socio-Economic College and Head of the Russian-Korean Friendship Club, who was recently nominated as a candidate for membership in the Coordination Committee of the DPRK International Solidarity Group (DPRK ISG). He briefly spoke about the main achievements of the Club over the past three months and introduced those present to the areas of activity of the activists.

Through the presentation, the activists were clearly acquainted with the activities of Chairman Mostov, who attaches primary importance to strengthening the primary cells of our organization, and the important successes of the Club, which was recently even invited to the central mourning meeting at the DPRK Embassy.

Exemplary activist Marianna Ryzhova gave a presentation dedicated to the socialist Constitution of the DPRK.

Activist Arina Kislenkova, who has distinguished herself with special achievements in the humanitarian direction of the Club, together with new member Ksenia Grekova, presented information cards telling about the reasons for Russian-Korean friendship and debunking myths about the DPRK. This format is currently particularly popular in Russian social networks.

Activist Vadim Averin also gave a presentation to the guests, in which he explained the differences between the ideology of Juche and religion.

The culmination of the event was the presentation of festive posters prepared by groups 13, 16, 25 and 28. Based on the results of an impartial assessment by the jury, which included the director of the technical school Elena Khrapova, the guest of honor Alexander Mostov and the specialist of the Center "Abilympics" in the Moscow Region Alana Popova, the prize places were distributed as follows:

  • 1st place - Group 13
  • 2nd place - Group 16
  • 3rd place - Group 25
  • 4th place - Group 28

On behalf of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, Comrade Mostov presented special gifts to activists from group 13 and group 14, whose works had special artistic value.

The Leader of our movement once again congratulated Comrade Dmitriev on his nomination to the Coordiantion Committee at the current Organizational Conference, after which he took a souvenir photo with the students.


Category: Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG | Views: 38 | Added by: redstartvkp
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