19:50 Results of the Work for 2024 Have Been Summarized |
Moscow, December 29 (DPRK ISG Information Bureau - RSTV)
The seventh day of the 8th Organizing Conference of the DPRK ISG has passed. On December 28, a meeting of international solidarity activists who are members of the central committee of our organization — the Coordination Committee of the DPRK International Solidarity Group (DPRK ISG) — was held at the Koryo Restaurant. The meeting summed up the results of the work for 2024. It was attended by comrades Alexander Mostov (Leader of the DPRK ISG), Sergey Baburin (President of the International Association of Peace Foundations, Advisor to the DPRK ISG on International Relations), Andrey Shin (Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Korean War, Advisor to the DPRK ISG on Work with Ethnic Koreans and Veterans Organizations), Christopher Helali (International Secretary of the American Communist Party, Head of the North American Executive Committee of the DPRK ISG), Sergey Ryzhik (Member of the Board of the International Association of Peace Foundations). Also participating in absentia were Viktor Petrov (Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee, Director of the 1st Department of People's Diplomacy of the DPRK ISG), Vera (Deputy Director of the 3rd Information Department of the DPRK ISG, activist of the Chinese Executive Committee) and a number of other activists. Comrade Mostov discussed with Sergei Nikolaevich the state of affairs in the recently reorganized International Association of Peace Foundations (IAPF). He expressed the principled position of the DPRK ISG, which consists in categorical rejection of the raider seizure of the Soviet Peace Foundation (SPF) by the Sutormina group, and supported the measures of comrade Baburin aimed at recreating the organization in a new form. Activist Vera spoke about the state of affairs in the PRC and made a number of proposals on behalf of the Chinese Executive Committee. Comrade Helali held negotiations with the meeting participants on behalf of the American Communist Party (ACP). He was awarded a medal for his participation in the Syrian campaign on the side of pro-Russian forces. Comrades Shin Andrey and Alexander Mostov, in connection with the growing threat of a third world war, signed the Declaration on the establishment of the Korean National Solidarity Committee (KNSC). This Committee aims to unite progressive representatives of the Korean nation from all over the world who wish to contribute to the creation of a peaceful environment on the Korean Peninsula. During the discussion, important decisions were made aimed at changing the image of the organization in accordance with the demands of the times and working with democratic activists in the territory of the Republic of Korea. The participants of the meeting took a photo for memory.
Category: Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG | Views: 500 | |
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