As a part of the efforts to bolster the just right to self-defence to reliably defend the security of our state and regional peace from the disaster of a nuclear war and thoroughly deter the dangerous military moves of the hostile forces, the General Missile Bureau conducted the test-fire of new-type ICBM Hwasongpho-18, the core weapon system of the strategic force of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on July 12.

Category: English | Views: 184 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 23/07/13

핵전쟁의 참화로부터 우리 국가의 안전과 지역의 평화를 믿음직하게 수호하고 적대세력들의 위험천만한 군사적준동을 철저히 억제하기 위한 정당방위권강화의 일환으로 7월 12일 미싸일총국에서는 조선민주주의인민공화국 전략무력의 핵심무기체계인 신형대륙간탄도미싸일 《화성포-18》형시험발사를 단행하였다.

Category: 조선어 | Views: 329 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 23/07/13

At a time when the invincibility and fortitude of our cause have been further demonstrated all over the world and the all-people struggle for ushering in a new upsurge in socialist construction is gaining momentum thanks to the scientific and strong guidance and practice by the ever-victorious Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee convened a plenary meeting to promote the perfect and substantial attainment of the grand goals of national prosperity.

Category: English | Views: 139 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 23/07/01

백전백승 조선로동당의 과학적이며 강력한 령도실천에 의하여 우리 위업의 불패성과 강인성이 만방에 더욱 과시되고 사회주의건설의 새로운 고조기를 열어나가는 전인민적투쟁이 심화되고있는 속에 당중앙위원회 정치국은 국가부흥의 웅대한 목표들의 완벽하고도 실속있는 달성을 도모하기 위하여 전원회의를 소집하였다.

Category: 조선어 | Views: 217 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 23/07/01

По случаю 77-летия Детского союза Кореи от лица всех школьников КНДР Народной Армии были торжественно переданы ракетные системы залпового огня со знаком «Детсоюзовец» для Народной Армии. Средства на сборку РСЗО были предоставлены местными ведомствами и организациями, вовлекавшими школьников в общественно полезные дела в свободные от учебы время.

Category: Русский | Views: 322 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 23/06/12

Schoolchildren in the DPRK provided "Sonyon" (child) multiple rocket launchers for the Korean People's Army (KPA), through their vigorous good-conduct movement launched to mark the 77th birthday of the Korean Children's Union (KCU).

Category: English | Views: 190 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 23/06/12


Category: 中国语 | Views: 253 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 23/06/12

전국의 학생소년들이 조선소년단창립 77돐을 맞으며 좋은일하기운동을 활발히 벌려 인민군대에 보내줄 《소년》호방사포들을 마련하였다.

Category: 조선어 | Views: 225 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 23/06/12

Zum 77. Gründungstag der Kinderorganisation Koreas entfalteten die Schüler des ganzen Landes die Bewegung für schöne Taten und besorgten für die Volksarmee die Raketenwerfer „Sonyon“.

Category: Deutsch | Views: 189 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 23/06/12


Category: 日本語 | Views: 180 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 23/06/12

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