Christopher Helali Awarded Medal for Special Tasks in Syria

   Moscow, December 30 (DPRK ISG Information Bureau - RSTV)   


[English] [Русский]


On December 28, Christopher Helali, International Secretary of the American Communist Party and member of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, was awarded the Medal for Special Tasks in Syria.

During the harsh years when the Syrian Arab Republic and the Russian Federation were waging the fiercest fight against ISIS, Comrade Helali fought against terrorists on the side of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, not sparing his life. In doing so, he contributed to our just struggle as a true internationalist who is ready to fight for his convictions not in words but in deeds.

After the Kurdish revisionists took a pro-American position in the hope of "military aid", Comrade Helali left Syria and engaged in political activities. And when the US imperialists tried to declare him a "terrorist", he legally proved his innocence, firmly believing: "the fight against ISIS is a duty, not terrorism."

Alexander Mostov, the leader of our movement, said at the award ceremony:

“I am very proud that people like Christopher Helali and Sergei Nikolaevich Baburin are part of our Solidarity Group. In 1993, during the Yeltsin coup, comrade Baburin was not afraid of bullets and sided with the defenders of the House of Soviets. And comrade Helali, realizing the threat of international terrorism, decided to selflessly fight it in Syria. Even now, many of our activists are making a feasible contribution to the fight against neo-Nazism, providing humanitarian aid to Russian soldiers, like comrade Kulov, or even personally taking part in the Special Military Operation in Ukraine. All this proves that the leadership of our organization does not consist of bureaucrats, but of reliable, time-tested revolutionaries and fighters for justice.”

Now comrade Helali has headed the North American Executive Committee of the DPRK ISG and plays a particularly important role in demarginalizing the international solidarity movement. There is no doubt that he will make an even greater contribution to our common cause in the near future.


Category: North American Executive Committee | Views: 119 | Added by: redstartvkp
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