Comrade An Yuejun Visited Lenin's Mausoleum

   Beijing, July 5 (DPRK ISG Information Bureau - RSTV)   


[English] [Русский] [中国语]


An Yuejun, Secretary-General of the Chinese People's Association for Peace and Disarmament (CPAPD), together with members of the delegation and relevant officials of the PRC Embassy, ​​visited the Lenin Mausoleum and other places.

He was accompanied by comrades Viktor Petrov, (Director of the Soviet Peace Fund Programs for Cooperation with China, Vietnam and the DPRK), Alexander Mostov (Chairman of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG) and others.

The respected Comrade An Yuejun warmly greeted the Great Patriotic War veteran and took a souvenir photo with him, after which he examined the “Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.” He then walked through other memorial sites in Red Square and visited the Lenin Mausoleum.

Then those gathered met with Sergei Baburin, Chairman of the Board of the Soviet Peace Fund, and took photographs for memory.


Category: Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG | Views: 135 | Added by: redstartvkp | Tags: DPRK ISG, China
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