Founding Meeting of North American Executive Committee Held

   Moscow, June 30 (DPRK ISG Information Bureau - RSTV)   


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On June 25, the founding meeting of the North American Executive Committee of the DPRK International Solidarity Group (DPRK ISG) was held at the Pyongyang Koryo Restaurant to mark the 10th anniversary of the election of Comrade Kim Jong Un to the post of the President of the State Affairs of the DPRK.

Alexander Mostov, Chairman of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, was personally present at the meeting.

The event was attended by various progressive left-wing patriotic figures and journalists from the North American region, including comrades Christopher Helali (Politburo Member of Party of Communists USA, Academic, Political Expert, Farmer), Dan Kovalik (American Political Expert, Lawyer, & Trade Union Activist), Jackson Hinkle (High Profile Political Blogger, Journalist, Political Expert), Donald Courter (International Journalist and Political Expert) and Nicholas Reed (Canadian Writer). It was also attended by Peter Gal (Member of the Workers' Party of Hungary and Regional Secretary of the DPRK ISG).

The meeting participants, who recently visited the Special Military Operation zone in Ukraine, expressed burning anger at the US imperialism, who, instead of protecting the borders of their own country, are unleashing aggressive wars around the world. The speakers emphasized the special symbolism of the meeting held on June 25, the anniversary of the US invasion of the DPRK, and discussed the latest actions of the puppet administration of Yoon Suk Yeol (President of the Republic of Korea), which creates the threat of a new war on the Korean Peninsula. They strongly condemned all kinds of threats posed by the United States and its satellites, and expressed their readiness to launch an active anti-war campaign in their region to prevent a repeat invasion.

Participants then specifically discussed the state of affairs in the United States and other countries in the North American region. They concluded that at the moment the movement of solidarity with the DPRK in the West is seriously marginalized, which creates a negative impression.

Comrade Helali said:

“If a person is not able to determine whether he is a "boy" or a "girl", then how can he be trusted to resolve much more serious political issues? How can mentally unstable people who are trying to assert themselves through participation in the class struggle be trusted to have the right to represent a solidarity organization?

Personally, I support the DPRK insofar as it, on the one hand, has a progressive socialist economic system, and on the other hand, is a stronghold of traditional values. As a person with a family, I would like my children to grow up in such a progressive system, which has nothing to do with the depravity and vices of “Western society”.

As you know, on June 29, 2014, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un was nominated for the post of the President of the State Affairs of the DPRK. Over the past ten years, he has comprehensively strengthened his country and turned it into a powerful socialist state with great war-deterrent power. To ensure that the DPRK policy is properly understood by US citizens and the people of the North American region, I propose today, June 25, that the North American Executive Committee of the DPRK ISG be established and actively work under the leadership of the Coordination Committee to begin as soon as possible."

Chairman Mostov approved the proposal and emphasized that the formation of the North American Executive Committee would be an important moment in the history of our organization, and the fruit of long preparatory work. Christopher Helali has been appointed head of the Executive Committee.

At the end of the meeting, participants watched videos about the activities of the organization.

All meeting participants unanimously voted for the proposal and raised a toast to the health of the respected Сomrade Kim Jong Un. They noted that under the unified leadership of the Coordination Committee, headed by Chairman Mostov, our International Solidarity Group will definitely achieve new significant victories in the shortest possible time.


Category: North American Executive Committee | Views: 429 | Added by: redstartvkp | Tags: DPRK ISG
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