[12.9 - 30.9.109 (2020)] Supreme Leader's Activities


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Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un Inspects Reconstruction Site of Flood-Hit Area in Taechong-ri, Unpha County, North Hwanghae Province

Kim Jong Un, chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea, chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and supreme commander of the armed forces of the DPRK, inspected the reconstruction site of flood-hit Taechong-ri area of Unpha County, North Hwanghae Province.

He was accompanied by Vice Marshal of the Korean People's Army (KPA) Pak Jong Chon, chief of the KPA General Staff, leading officials of the Central Committee of the WPK Ri Il Hwan, Jo Yong Won, Kim Yong Su and Hyon Song Wol and Pak Chang Ho, chairman of the North Hwanghae Provincial Committee of the WPK.

The Supreme Leader was greeted by commanding officers of the units of the People's Army taking part in the reconstruction of flood-hit Unpha County and officials.

True to the idea of the 16th meeting of the Political Bureau of the 7th WPK Central Committee and the joint order of the WPK Central Committee, the Party Central Military Commission and the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK, combatants and commanding officers of the KPA units taking part in the reconstruction are vigorously accelerating the reconstruction with the do-or-die struggle of loyalty out of strong desire to provide the people in the flood-hit area with better place to live and realize the noble intention of the Party at an earliest date possible.

Making round of the reconstruction site, the Supreme Leader acquainted himself with the progress and plan of the reconstruction.

Appreciating the frontline-style agitation which is stirring the whole construction site to fit the battle-style one, he underlined the need to conduct the ideological offensive without rigid formality and pattern and in a militant manner to arouse all the combatants taking part in the reconstruction to the implementation of the idea of the Party and upholding its policies.

Enjoying the view of the workteam villages of the flood-hit farm which has neatly taken shape as befitting the icon of modern houses of rural area free from all the backwardness of the times and the traces of flood damage, he said that he was right to give the order to build one-household dwelling houses and approve the design without considering the amount of building materials needed or land-saving aspect as demanded by the farmers he met during his last visit, adding that the newly built houses with much efforts would be worth more only when they meet the requirements of the farmers and are liked by them.

He expressed his happiness, saying that such a village that has taken its shape as a fairyland within a short period of merely over 30 days is a miracle which can be created by only the service personnel of the Korean People's Army (KPA) who have the loyalty to the Party and the ardent love for the people, adding the world will be startled to see the capability of the KPA.

Comrade Kim Jong Un said:

Sincerity of our soldiers can be seen everywhere in the construction site. Our soldiers, excellent sons and daughters of the people, are devoting all their sincerity to the construction of recovering from damage with the feeling of building their hometown and home villages. This alone shows well the ideological, mental and moral traits of our army.

Watching with satisfaction the combatants of the KPA working at the construction site, he said that it is the greatest pride of our Party to have such a powerful army which is always loyal to the Party, and that our Party is tiding over all difficulties of the revolution with courage as there is the KPA, the politico-ideologically strong army and morally strong army and the genuine army of the people, which is regarding it as its own noble obligation to help the Party and the people get rid of all troubles with its sincere patriotism and loyalty.

As there is the KPA which is faithfully loyal to our Party and the revolutionary cause of our Party, no natural disaster can ever deprive the people of happiness and laughter and no one in the world can break the faith and will of the Workers' Party of Korea struggling for the people, he said.

He repeatedly told commanding officers of the units of the KPA which were mobilized in the construction to be aware of the intention of the Party that called upon the KPA to turn out in eradicating the aftermath of the natural disaster and the importance of the rehabilitation.

He called upon the Party organizations and political organs at all levels to further intensify among all the service personnel the work of making them clearly cognizant of the intention of the Party Central Committee that mobilized the KPA to the great campaign for creating the happiness of the people, and push ahead with the rehabilitation with the mind of strengthening the single-minded unity.

The respected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un said:

This year lots of units of the People's Army were mobilized for the restoration from damages by flood and typhoon. The People's Army should regard the rehabilitation from natural disasters as a political work to safeguard and further solidify the ties of kindred between the Party and people and the most important work to defend the trust of the people in the Party who wholeheartedly believe and follow only our Party in whatever hardships and difficulties and defend the absolute dignity of the Party. All service personnel should be encouraged to give play to their infinite devotion and mass heroism.

At such difficult time as now, our people might count on our Party only and look forward to the steps taken by our Party. It is not allowed to make our people feel disappointed and suffer inconveniences in life even a moment due to the natural disasters. There is no work of greater importance than to live up to the trust of the people for our Party which regards it as its noble motto to believe in people as in heaven and takes people as the root of its life. Our Party, therefore, has launched an unprecedented grand rehabilitation campaign by mobilizing all potentialities of the country to the work for defending the happiness of the people and put forward the revolutionary army of the Party as the main force on the front for restoration from natural disasters throughout the country.

He expressed his great trust in the People's Army, saying that they should kindle high the flame of creating heroic legendary stories and making miracles on every reconstruction front, bearing in mind the noble intention of our Party and thus devotedly ensure the successful celebrations of the 75th founding anniversary of the Party and convention of its 8th Congress with honor.

He stressed that commanding officers of the People's Army should strengthen the command and technical guidance over the construction with high awareness that it is totally up to them whether the reconstruction campaign proves to be a success or failure, push ahead with the construction by launching a three-dimensional and intense speed campaign and scrupulously take a practical measure for thoroughly ensuring the quality of the construction by strictly meeting the requirements of design and technical method.

Learning in detail about the condition of the crops in the paddy fields that had been under water, he worried that various diseases had broken out and the condition of the growth of rice was not good in much of those fields.

Saying that though there are some losses, it is necessary to improve the condition of growth at any cost by taking decisive agricultural and technological measures, not abandoning the crops cultivated by farmers with sincerity throughout the spring and summer, he repeatedly asked officials and workers in the agricultural field to make redoubled efforts to minimize the damage to the crops and increase the yield in a consistent and responsible way.

Our Party has faced trouble and distress at the great damage caused by the recent series of heavy rain and typhoons but it will readily face the trouble and will take every possible measure for the sake of the great people and repay their great trust without fail, he said, expressing his determination to dynamically overcome the current trial together with the People's Army.

Immensely encouraged by the field guidance of the Supreme Leader to the reconstruction site, all the service personnel vowed once again to become a fortress and shield devotedly defending the Party Central Committee to finish the reconstruction at the highest level by the founding anniversary of the WPK and make a report of victory and thus clearly demonstrate to the world how the service personnel and people brought up by the Party uphold and devotedly defend their leader, their Supreme Commander.

The pace of energetic leadership by the Supreme Leader who is making endless journey of patriotic devotion for the country and people will be the stride of the vigorous advance of the country and the motive force of miracles that make the people and army honorable victors in today's campaign for recovery from natural disaster, and hurrah for the socialism would resound far and wide across the country celebrating the October holiday.


Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un Inspects Rebuilt Kangbuk-ri, Kumchon County, North Hwanghae Province

Kim Jong Un, chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and supreme commander of the armed forces of the DPRK, inspected Kangbuk-ri, Kumchon County, North Hwanghae Province that has been rebuilt from the damage by heavy rain and strong wind.

He was accompanied by Choe Ryong Hae, Pak Pong Ju, Kim Jae Ryong, Pak Jong Chon, Ri Il Hwan, Jo Yong Won, Kim Yong Su, Pak Thae Song and Hyon Song Wol.

The Supreme Leader of the Party, the State and the armed forces was greeted on the spot by Pak Chang Ho, chairman of the North Hwanghae Provincial Committee of the WPK, and commanding officers of the units of the People's Army mobilized for the reconstruction from the damage.

Kangbuk-ri, Kumchon County, North Hwanghae Province was greatly damaged when heavy rain and strong wind swept away the whole areas of the DPRK this year. But it removed all the traces of great natural disaster and was successfully built as a socialist fairyland, model village of socialist rural communities thanks to the wise guidance of respected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un and the ardent patriotism, loyalty and heroic struggle of service personnel of the People's Army.

Learning that Kangbuk-ri had been greatly damaged by the recent heavy rain and strong wind and that some dwelling houses and public buildings had been in critical conditions due to exposure to natural disaster every year on top of lack of repairing, Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un immediately issued a militant order to the units of the People's Army to remove all the buildings in the ri seat and build them new so as to facelift the ri.

The service personnel who rushed to the damaged area in response to the order of trust given by Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un achieved proud success of making the first report of victory to the Party Central Committee in the campaigns for recovery from disaster by newly constructing the seat of Kangbuk-ri, Kumchon County through a fierce campaign of loyalty, bearing in mind the noble viewpoint on the people, the idea of the people-first principle of our Party.

Comrade Kim Jong Un, looking over the picturesque village that turned into a fine example of socialist farm village, wondered if the village which looked so pitiful for its backwardness plus damage by natural disaster could shake them off in such a short period, adding he felt as if facing a different world. He noted with great satisfaction that another success was made in which our Party's grand plan for building rural areas and policy for building local areas have been carried out most correctly thanks to the patriotic devotion and struggle of our soldiers.

He said that upon hearing almost every day the news about heroic struggle waged by soldiers as main players on all the fronts for the recovery from the disasters in several areas of the country, he keenly felt the tremendous mental power, ardent patriotism and intense loyalty toward the Party and people possessed by all the officers and men of the People's Army. He added that he was deeply moved by their devotion and painstaking efforts.

The People's Army is made up of creators of all miracles on this land, he praised, adding that the genuine might of the People's Army lies not in the number of troops and the might of ammunitions but in their ardent love for their country and people and their mental power based on love for and trust in their Party and the revolutionary cause. He stressed in great excitement that it is the greatest pride of our Party and the state and the biggest blessing for himself that we have such powerful revolutionary army loyal to the country, the people, the Party and the revolutionary cause.

Looking round dwelling houses and public buildings in the ri, he appreciated that they were built cozy and to be impeccable both exterior and interior.

He discussed with the senior Party and government officials who accompanied him the orientation to be constantly maintained by our Party in rural construction.

Saying that it is imperative to set up the long-term goal of construction in provinces, rural construction in particular, in a more realistic and planned way, he emphasized the need to bolster up remarkably the state assistance to the responsible and important work for sprucing up rural areas by accelerating the development of high civilization of the rural areas and for turning our rural areas into rich and cultured socialist rural areas backed by modern technology.

What is urgent is to make in-depth study of an immediate task at present and long-term goal of our Party for accomplishing at an early date the far-reaching programmes for socialist rural construction advanced by President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il, and measures for carrying them out, he said, noting that the upcoming Party congress will be able to give correct answers to this crucial issue.

He repeatedly asked if the inhabitants, the farmers were pleased with the new living environment in Kangbuk-ri that had been rebuilt after damage due to rainstorm and strong wind. Noting that he was pleased to hear that they were feeling happy, he said that our Party certainly had done good things and he extended thanks to the soldiers of the People's Army who put into practice one more wish of our Party.

He told the chairman of the Provincial Party Committee that it would be good to let the inhabitants move to new houses earlier, adding that he couldn't wait to see them moving to new houses.

He said that it has been long since he felt so relieved, and noted that he was very happy to feel relieved of worries. He hoped that the people in the area would settle down in the new villages and new houses to lead a happy life and that the area would always be visited by fortune.

Farmers and inhabitants in Kangbuk-ri, Kumchon County who are to move to new houses in the model socialist rural village which was built thanks to the ardent love of the Supreme Leader for the people and in which the desire of our Party has been realized, are sure to live up to his great solicitude with loyalty by making dedication to the construction of a powerful country while bearing deep in mind the loving care and solicitude bestowed by the mother party to clear them of their misfortune.

As there are the Supreme Leader and our great Party, happy cradles for the better living of people will mushroom before long in different parts of the country which had been hit hard by the wildness of nature.


18th Meeting of Political Bureau of 7th Central Committee of WPK Held

The 18th meeting of the Political Bureau of the 7th Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) took place at the office building of the Central Committee of the WPK on Sept. 29.

Kim Jong Un, chairman of the WPK, chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and supreme commander of the armed forces of the DPRK, was present at the meeting.

Attending the meeting were members of the Presidium and members and alternate members of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee.

Present there as observers were directors of departments of the WPK Central Committee, members of the state anti-epidemic field and others concerned.

Upon authorization of the Political Bureau of the C.C., WPK, Chairman of the WPK Kim Jong Un presided over the meeting.

The meeting pointed out some faults found in preventing the inroads of the malignant virus and had an in-depth study and discussion about the issues on further intensifying the state emergency anti-epidemic work.

A report on worldwide damage by COVID-19 was made at the meeting.

The meeting stressed the need to strictly guard against self-complacency, carelessness, irresponsibility and slackness in the anti-epidemic field and employ home-grown style and wisdom to further toughen anti-epidemic measures. It also called for successfully maintaining a steel-strong anti-epidemic system and order by revving up the mass-based anti-epidemic atmosphere and intensifying the all-people unity of voluntary action.

The Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee examined the Party and state works, which have been conducted on the occasion of the 75th founding anniversary of the Party, and the progress made in the campaign for recovery from natural disasters, before proposing, discussing and determining due organizational steps for ensuring their successful implementation.

The meeting also dealt with organizational matters.

The meeting, chaired by Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, marked an important occasion in devotedly protecting the security of the country and the people and stabilizing and improving their living standard as it took practical measures to celebrate the 75th founding anniversary of the Party as a genuine and auspicious holiday of the people and successfully conclude the campaign this year, the last year of the 5-year strategy for national economic development, despite the unprecedented crisis and natural disasters.

Category: English | Views: 486 | Added by: redstartvkp | Tags: Natural Disasters, Kim Jong Un, WPK, DPRK, Korea