Kim Jong Un Orders to Promote Military Ranks of National Defense Research Scientists


Kim Jong Un, chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), on Aug. 12 issued Order No. 008 to promote the military ranks of scientists in the field of national defense science research who have made great contributions to bolstering up the military capabilities for self-defence.

He said in the order that in hearty response to the decision made at the historic Seventh Congress of the WPK and the spirit of the 8th Conference of Munitions Industry, our reliable scientists in the field of national defence science research, who are firmly equipped with the WPK's revolutionary idea, performed feats to be specially recorded by developing and completing new powerful weapon systems one after another which are of key importance in defending the Party, the revolution, the country and the people and guaranteeing the victorious advance of the revolutionary cause of Juche with matchless military strength.

He, in the name of the Party and government, highly praised the scientists in the field of national defence science research for providing an epoch-making turning point in bolstering up the country's military capabilities for self-defense and successfully implementing the strategic plan and intention of the Party by settling highly difficult technological problems of the ultra-modern national defense science with indomitable spiritual strength and remarkable creative power and by researching and developing new weapon systems with our own efforts, wisdom and technology.

He issued the order to award a higher military rank to 103 scientists.

Category: English | Views: 690 | Added by: redstartvkp | Tags: Kim Jong Un, Korea, North Korea, DPRK