As far as December 17, the day of mourning for the Great Leader Kim Jong Il, the person widely recognised as an all-conquering general and defender of peace on earth, approaches, the progressive humanity is filled with grief. In this regard, on November 29, 109 Juche (2020), the Central Mourning Meeting organized by the DPRK International Solidarity Group (DPRK ISG) in cooperation with the Leninist Communist Youth Union of the Russian Federation (LYCL RF) was held.

The representatives of friendly parties and political organizatio ... Read more »

Category: Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG | Views: 436 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 20/12/05 | Comments (0)




由于此次的活动对我们组织具有特殊意义,因此国际团结朝鲜社团领导委员会主席、纪念重要日期筹备委员会主席亚历山大·莫斯托夫亲赴圣彼得堡主持追思会的筹备工作。国际团结朝鲜社团领导委员会成员尼基塔·多布罗夫被任命为追思会筹备委员会的负责人。< ... Read more »

Category: 中国团结朝鲜社团 | Views: 500 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 20/12/05 | Comments (0)