October 17, Moscow (RSTV)   


[English] [Русский] [FR]


On October 15, Konstantin Asmolov, Leading Researcher at the Center for Korean Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Member of the Scientific Committee of the DPRK International Solidarity Group, published an article in the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook” with a detailed explanation of the reason ... Read more »

Category: Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG | Views: 652 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 23/10/17 | Comments (0)

   17 октября, Москва. /Пульгынбёль ТВ/   


[English] [Русский] [FR]


15 октября Константин Асмолов, ведущий научный сотрудник Центра корейских исследований ИКСА РАН и член научного комитета МГС КНДР, разместил в интернет-журнале «Новое Вост ... Read more »


[English] [Русский] [FR]


Konstantin ASMOLOV, le candidat en histoire, le maître de recherche du Centre de recherches coréennes, l’Institut de la Chine et de l’Asie contemporaine, Russian Academy of Sciences. Especially for online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

L’histoire de la partition Du Sud et du Nord de la Corée n’a connu que six cas de soldats américains fuyant la Corée du Nord. La septième évasion s&rsqu ... Read more »

Category: Other Solidarity Organizations | Views: 183 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 23/10/17 | Comments (0)