Supreme Leader guides firepower striking drill of KPA long-range artillery sub-units on front


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Kim Jong Un, Chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea, Chairman of the State Affairs Commission and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, visited the venue of firepower striking drill of long-range artillery sub-units of the Korean People's Army on the front on March 2 and kindled fiercer flames of intensive training.

He was greeted on the spot by Army General Pak Jong Chon, Chief of the General Staff of the KPA, and commanding personnel and artillery commanding officers of the large combined unit that took part in the drill.

At the observation post, he heard a report on the plan of the drill before guiding it.

When his order was issued to the sub-units, the long-range artillerymen on the front opened fire for annihilating the enemy.

Comrade Kim Jong Un expressed great satisfaction at the artillerymen ready to promptly respond to any circumstances and perfectly carry out their firepower combat tasks.

He said that the ardent patriotism of service personnel is expressed in the sweat they shed in the training ground rain or shine and warmly encouraged all the officers and men of the whole army to intensify the training with iron will and burning patriotism to impregnably defend the socialist motherland which is more precious than their lives.

Saying that the victory of the socialist cause is guaranteed by powerful military muscle and war deterrent, Kim Jong Un called on the People's Army to maintain full military preparedness and steadily increase its combat efficiency so that no one can touch the sky, land and sea of the motherland and to support the revolutionary cause of the Party.


Category: English | Views: 588 | Added by: redstartvkp | Tags: firepower striking drill, North Korea, KPA, DPRK, Korea