Construction of Residential District of Modern Apartment Buildings on Bank of River Pothong Starts


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Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Looks Round Site Again

The construction of the residential district of terraced apartment buildings on the bank of the River Pothong is to be undertaken in real earnest true to our Party's great plan for architectural development and its architectural idea based on the people-first principle.

The respected Kim Jong Un, General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and President of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, looked round the construction site for residential quarters of terrace houses along the River Pothong again together with secretaries of the Party Central Committee.

He went round the spot occupied by construction units for construction campaign in real earnest to learn about the districts allotted for construction.

He stressed that the construction of the residential quarters of terrace houses for 800 flats represents the plan and intention of the Party Central Committee to face-lift the city with houses of new style and provide the people with developed living environment and conditions. He encouragingly said all the construction units should have a correct understanding of the importance of the object and implement the grand capital city construction policy of the Party with great devotion and persistent practice.

Comrade Kim Jong Un said:

As the core construction units have to build those residential quarters, I will always pay attention to it and strengthen the work of organizing and guiding the project in person.

It is necessary to map out a detailed plan of every process, organize and command the construction under a scrupulous plan, thoroughly ensure the equipment and materials and encourage the political work and the organization of emulation drive at units to create a model experience of urban housing construction in speed campaign and ability.

It is also important to strictly supervise the construction processes and make increasingly exact demands to economize the materials to the maximum and prevent all sorts of accidents and ensure that good experiences in construction are generalized in the field of capital city construction.

He stressed the need to make a good design for afforestation around the residential quarters and more wonderfully build up the parks on the bank of the River Pothong to provide the inhabitants with the greatest conveniences in their living and improve the natural surroundings.

Underscoring the need to improve the quality of construction to show the characteristics of types of the nice-looking terrace houses and their elevations well in a peculiar way, he said the urgent this year's plans for the housing construction in the capital city should be fulfilled with success to display the modernity and Juche-based architectural development of the capital city as a centre of socialist civilization and demonstrate once again our inexhaustible ideological and spiritual might capable of making any epochal changes and the potentiality of the firm independent economy.

Comrade Kim Jong Un specially underlined the need to keep implementing thoroughly the policy of putting the architecture on a formative and artistic footing on the basis of the people-first principle and the correct combination of national character and modernity presented by the Party in the capital city construction and the local construction in the future and especially, to make a new standard of the city administration and environment management and pay a deep attention to the cultural environment management including afforestation.

He emphasized the need to understand once again the importance of the housing construction, one of the urgent issues in solving the problem of people's living and bring about a great change in the local construction as well along with the construction of 50,000 flats in Pyongyang City.

Comrade Kim Jong Un said the WPK would make a greater progress in the housing and urban management and in the ecological environment within the period of the new five-year plan and thus provide the people with material and cultural welfare.

He expressed the expectation and belief that the militant core construction units involved in the construction of the residential quarters of terrace houses for 800 flats along the River Pothong would build the happy cradle for the people as early as possible in hearty response to the grand capital city construction policy of the Party.


Category: English | Views: 501 | Added by: redstartvkp | Tags: Korea, North Korea, Kim Jong Un, DPRK