
Category: 中国语 | Views: 446 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 20/06/05

4일부 《로동신문》에는 3일 발표된 조선로동당 중앙위원회 국제부 대변인 담화가 실렸다.

Category: 조선어 | Views: 437 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 20/06/05

Rodong Sinmun Thursday carried a statement released by a spokesman for the International Department of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) on June 3.

Category: English | Views: 525 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 20/06/05

남조선언론들의 보도에 의하면 지난 5월 29일과 30일 국민주권련대, 청년당, 대학생진보련합을 비롯한 각계층 시민사회단체들이 룡산, 평택, 춘천, 대구, 부산, 제주도 등 남조선각지에 널려있는 미군기지들앞에서 차량시위, 1인시위, 집회, 기자회견 등 다양한 반미투쟁을 전개하였다.

Category: 조선어 | Views: 477 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 20/06/04

According to South Korean media reports, on May 29 and 30, civil society groups, including the National Sovereign Union, the Youth Party, and the College Students Rehabilitation Union, held political demonstrations in front of US military bases scattered across Namju, Ryonsan, Pyeongtaek, Chuncheon, Daegu, Busan, and Jeju Island. Various protests were held, such as political rallies, solo pickets, mass rallies and press conferences.

Category: English | Views: 575 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 20/06/04


Category: 中国语 | Views: 574 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 20/06/04


Category: 日本語 | Views: 555 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 20/06/04

El 31 de mayo pasado, los desperdicios biológicos llamados "fugitivos del norte" acudieron a la zona del frente y lanzaron volantes de contenido anti-RPDC. Con respecto a esta locura, la primera subjefa de departamento del Comité Central del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, Kim Yo Jong, publicó una declaración que advierte la gravedad del incidente.

Category: Other Languages | Views: 693 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 20/06/04

Kim Yo Jong, first vice department director of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, Thursday issued a statement warning against the gravity of the situation as regards a senseless act of scattering anti-DPRK leaflets in the frontline areas by the "defectors from the north".

Category: English | Views: 680 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 20/06/04

지난 5월 31일 《탈북자》쓰레기들이 전연일대에 기여나와 반공화국삐라를 살포하는 망동짓을 감행한것과 관련하여 김여정 조선로동당 중앙위원회 제1부부장이 사태의 엄중성을 경고하는 담화를 발표하였다.

Category: 조선어 | Views: 609 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 20/06/04

1-я заместительница заведующего отделом ЦК Трудовой партии Кореи Ким Ё Чен в связи с тем, что 31 мая «перебежчики с Севера» – гнусные подонки, которым нет равных в презренности, совершили бесчинство запуская антиреспубликанские листовки, опубликовала заявление для печати, в котором разъяснила серьёзность совершенного ими преступления. 

Category: Русский | Views: 754 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 20/06/04

Kim Jong Un, chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea, Wednesday sent a congratulatory message to Raul Castro Ruz, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba.

Category: English | Views: 451 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 20/06/04

El Presidente del Partido del Trabajo de Corea,  Kim Jong Un , envió el día 3 un mensaje de felicitación al Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba, Raúl Castro Ruz.

Category: Other Languages | Views: 579 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 20/06/04