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《애국은 말로써가 아니라 실천행동으로 표현되여야 한다.》, 이것은 무산광산련합기업소의 공훈광부 장금식동무가 늘 하는 말이다.

오늘의 조선 | Views: 93 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 23/08/28

To the question of the now fashionable theme of fortification.

Korea Today | Views: 326 | Author: Vladimir Khrustalev | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 23/07/24

We are analyzing photos from Comrade Kim Jong Un's visit to the Institute of Nuclear Weapons.

Life of Great Persons | Views: 1662 | Author: Vladimir Khrustalev | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 23/07/24

К вопросу о модной ныне теме фортификации.

Корея сегодня | Views: 485 | Author: Vladimir Khrustalev | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 23/07/24

Разбираем фотографии с визита тов. Ким Чен Ына в Институт ядерного вооружения.

Славная жизнь великих личностей | Views: 866 | Author: Vladimir Khrustalev | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 23/07/24

On March 2, 2003, DPRK Air Force aircraft intercepted an American reconnaissance aircraft over the Sea of Japan, forcing them to interrupt the flight and return to base. The RC-135 was intercepted over the international waters of the Sea of Japan about 240 km from the coast of the DPRK (two MiG-29s and two MiG-23s) and escorted it for 20 minutes.

The World and Korea | Views: 964 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 23/07/24

В свете опыта СВО на Украине северокорейская "странная" техника, где на всем подряд с броней любили и любят ставить ракетные средства ПВО (ПЗРК адаптированные) сверх стандартного комплекта оружия - выглядит как занятное случайное попадание в ряд трендов загодя.

Мир и Корея | Views: 2313 | Author: Vladimir Khrustalev | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 23/07/24

Comrade Kim Yo Jong is a vibrant and influential personality who plays an important role in the political landscape of the DPRK.

Korea Today | Views: 791 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 23/07/24

2 марта 2003 г самолеты ВВС КНДР перехватили американский разведчик над Японским морем, заставив прервать полет и вернуться на базу. RC-135 перехватили над международными водами Японского моря примерно в 240 км от побережья КНДР (два МиГ-29 и два МиГ-23) и сопровождали его в течение 20 минут.

Мир и Корея | Views: 1009 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 23/07/24

In the light of the experience of the Special Military Operation in Ukraine, North Korean "strange" equipment, where they liked and love to install air defense missiles (adapted MANPADS) on everything with armor in addition to the standard set of weapons, looks like an amusing accidental hit in a number of trends ahead of time.

The World and Korea | Views: 2328 | Author: Vladimir Khrustalev | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 23/07/24