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今日朝鲜 | Views: 416 | Author: Institute for Disarmament and Peace | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 20/06/26

70 years have elapsed since the bursts of gunfire of war were heard on this land.

The Korean War forced by the United States inflicted painful scars and tremendous human and material losses upon the Korean people. Continuing into this moment is the suffering of national division whereby kinsfolk of the same blood are compelled to live apart.

As the Korean nation still suffers from the heartrending wounds of war, it is stronger than any other nation in respect of its cherished desire to live on a peaceful land without war, and has long persevered in its efforts to realize the desire, but in vain.

Its underlying cause is the sinister design, that is, the U.S. hostile policy towards the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

Korea Today | Views: 455 | Author: Institute for Disarmament and Peace | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 20/06/26

이 땅에 전쟁의 포성이 울린 때로부터 70년이라는 세월이 흘렀다.

미국에 의해 강요된 조선전쟁은 우리 인민에게 뼈아픈 상처와 막대한 인적, 물적피해를 가져다주었으며 한피줄을 나눈 친혈육들이 서로 갈라져 살지 않으면 안되는 민족분렬의 고통은 지금 이 시각도 계속되고있다.

전쟁의 가슴아픈 상처를 아직도 안고있는 조선민족은 전쟁이 없는 평화로운 땅에서 살고싶은 숙원을 그 어느 민족보다 더 강렬하게 지니고 그 숙원을 풀기 위하여 장구하고도 줄기찬 노력을 기울여왔지만 응당한 결실을 보지 못하고있다.

그 근저에는 미국의 대조선적대시정책이라는 검은 마수가 뻗쳐있다.

오늘의 조선 | Views: 561 | Author: Institute for Disarmament and Peace | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 20/06/26

70 years have elapsed since the bursts of gunfire of war were heard on this land.

The Korean War forced by the United States inflicted painful scars and tremendous human and material losses upon the Korean people. Continuing into this moment is the suffering of national division whereby kinsfolk of the same blood are compelled to live apart.

As the Korean nation still suffers from the heartrending wounds of war, it is stronger than any other nation in respect of its cherished desire to live on a peaceful land without war, and has long persevered in its efforts to realize the desire, but in vain.

Its underlying cause is the sinister design, that is, the U.S. hostile policy towards the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

Korea Today | Views: 439 | Author: Institute for Disarmament and Peace | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 20/06/26

수령을 위하여 모든것을 다 바쳐 싸우는 열화같은 충성심은 혁명가의 제일생명이다.

불속에서도, 세월이 가도 변하지 않는 금과 같은 불변성, 바로 여기에 혁명가의 진가가 있고 생명이 있다.

오늘의 조선 | Views: 909 | Author: 본사기자 량순 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 20/06/03

Год назад состоялся первый саммит между Председателем Госсовета КНДР Ким Чен Ыном и Президентом РФ В. В. Путиным, что приковало к себе большое внимание СМИ. 

Мир и Корея | Views: 495 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 20/04/25

Год назад состоялся первый саммит между Председателем Госсовета КНДР Ким Чен Ыном и Президентом РФ В. В. Путиным, что приковало к себе большое внимание СМИ. 

Мир и Корея | Views: 430 | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 20/04/25

Both being countries at the outer borders of the 'socialist camp', and both being countries which existed under the circumstances of a divided nation, the German Democratic Republic [GDR] and the Demokratic Peoples Republic of Korea [DPRK] did share a somewhat similar political experience. The importance of the relationship between the two countries was stressed by a visit of the German head of state, Erich Honnecker, to the DPRK in 1977. This was being followed by a visit of the Korean head of state, Kim Il Sung, to Germany, in the year of 1984. Also a project such as the rebuilding of the city of Hamhung, which had been destroyed in the course of the War on the Korean peninsula, by the 'German Working Group Hamhung' [Deutsche Arbeitsgruppe Hamhung] in the 1950s and 1960s is a strong indicator for the importance of the relationship between the two small socialist states.

Juche Idea | Views: 860 | Author: Fritz Schmidt | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 20/04/16

There is no doubt that comrade Kim Il Sung left behind a huge ideological legacy. Vital, alive, with great potential for development. We are more or less familiar with the ideas of Juche and the Songun, whose existence we owe to the Eternal President. However, as he has repeatedly stressed, ideology cannot be separated from practice, cannot be studied, and took into account in separation from its live implementation. A lot is going to be said here about how the DPRK arisen from the smoking ruins in the 1950s and 1960s, about the heroic labour, about the birth of the cheonsari method of leadership, and about the upbringing of new revolutionary generations. North Korea is a unique phenomenon on the world map in all respects, from economy to ideology. And all this set of uniqueness is undoubtedly interconnected inside of itself.

Juche Idea | Views: 495 | Author: Georgii Abzianidze | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 20/04/16

Нет сомнения в том, что товарищ Ким Ир Сен оставил после себя огромнейшее идеологическое наследие. Жизненное, живое, располагающее большим потенциалом для развития. Мы с вами в той или иной степени посвящены и в идеи чучхе, и в идеологию сонгун, существованию которых мы обязаны Вечном Президенту. Однако, как он и сам не раз подчёркивал, идеология не может быть оторвана от практики, не может быть изучена и рассмотрена в отрыве от изучения и рассмотрения её живой имплементации. О поднятии КНДР из дымящихся руин в 1950-е – 1960-е, об ударном труде, о зарождении метода Чхонсари и о воспитании новых революционных поколений внутри самой Кореи здесь наверняка будет сказано немало. КНДР – уникальное явление на мировой карте во всех отношениях, от экономики до идеологии. И вся эта совокупность уникальностей, несомненно, связана внутри себя.

Идеи чучхе | Views: 572 | Author: Georgii Abzianidze | Added by: redstartvkp | Date: 20/04/16